This is a blossom on the butterfly bush. The flowers are really a little bluer. I love the orange center with the light purple. And I wish you could smell these flowers...So sweet!
I've heard a lot about "square foot gardening" this year. You make small manageable 1 foot square plots and plant them with different seeds. We are looking forward to next year's season and we are going to plant vegetables in each of these tubs that we had left after April and Zach's wedding. Ed started to rearrange some plantings that we already had there and found a large bone in one of the tubs.
This is Jabez with her bone.
When my mom was here in July, we made chokecherry jelly from the trees in my yard. That really gave me incentive to make more jam. I made plum jam, and plum/pineapple jam.
We planted two Asian Pear trees last year (2008) in the Spring. This year they set fruit which was a surprize to us. They are sweet, crisp, and juicy!
This tree had to be propped up because the fruit is too heavy for the thin branches. Below is an experiment. We planted fennel seeds. I have a lot of recipes that call for fennel bulbs. I know you can get them at the store, but these are easily grown.