This is on Likelike Hwy. We were headed for the other side of the island again.

I love this garden sculpture. Carved stone!

So much green everywhere!

This plant is a shefflera. I had one of these for a house plant for several years. I got tired of the plant and it was getting big. I didn't know it was going to get these cool beans on it!!

Banana tree.

We pulled into this nursery. It was not a traditional nursery. The manager showed us his project. He was working on a system for raising Talapia. He has to desalinate the water, then the water is used to hold fish at different stages in growth. When the water needs to be filtered it is fed into a system that takes the "dirty" water and it is used for Hydroponic plantings. The nursery will have tomatoes and other plants, plus will sell the mature talapia. The water will be filtered and recycled! We really enjoyed the tour.

These mountains look primative.

This is called China man's Hat.

We went to Wainimai Bay which is famous for surfing.

There is a sharp incline of the sand.
I saw this picture in the paper. It shows a princess with tatoos. I have seen a lot of young guys with similar tatoo patterns, on one side of their chest and back and arm.

These young surfers didn't know that I photoed them.

We drove back to our hotel through the Pineapple Ranch. Miles of fields!